About Fa Jing
People can't fight, animals can survive.
In a real fight, if you only use your technique you lose.
If you want to survive a real fight you must become like a *wild animal.
*a cool killer, a reptile without emotions.
We must have a way to get into our reptilian brain,
and we have a way of doing that: Fa Jing and *Dim Mak.
Erle Montaigue
*Dim Mak: death point striking.
Fa jing and Dim-mak are two triggerfingers.
We all know that martial arts are not just fighting arts, if we practice a martial art, and think it is all about fighting,
we are practicing a sport and not an art. We also know that the greatest fighter is the one who never... etc, we know.
We know that in 100% of the street situations, the best defense is being aware of surroundings, we all know such things.
Aggressive people may not always intend to harm us, the aggressors may not even be aware of what is triggering his-her
aggression or may not even realize that their behavior is harmful to themselves or to others. Breaking the circle of
aggressive behavior begins with understanding the cause and the effect of aggression. There are no useless martial arts,
the most useless and worthless are those that are geared towards sales or the one you don't practice. We all know such
Most martial arts are useless in real life situations. Many Tai Chi teachers come well-equiped with a bunch of old
classical sayings, or with mystical stuff that sounds great when rolled of the tongue at parties and other social
gatherings, but when it comes to actual translating them into "use", all of the classical sayings in the world won't help.
Fa Jing is the major martial ingredient, along with Dim-mak, that warrants calling Tai Chi Chuan the "Supreme Ultimate Fist",
moreover "the deadliest martial art ever invented". But it is not the gun or the triggerfinger that is potentially lethal,
it is the immaturity of "the child" that makes Dim-mak and Fa Jing so dangerous. Real Dim-mak and real Fa Jing are far
removed from irresponsibly shaking, striking or touching a few acu-points. The show must go on, but keep in mind that the
people who invented this martial stuff used to try it out on real people. At fa-jing and dim-mak level we need a competent
teacher. Take care, I know what I'm saying.
Chinese have an ideom that refers to "a hundred shots" and,
"every shot hits the target". It refers to "a hundred bull's eyes" :
Bai Fa Bai Zhong.
'Bai Fa Bai Zhong' refers to the dream of every martial artist.
Fa Jing:
'Fa' means explosive shot. 'Jing' means essence, perfect.

Preparatory work leading up to Fa Jing.
Fa Jing is an explosive energy expression.
Fa Jing allows you to release your energy (jing) abruptly (fa).
It is an area of study in its own right. Medical as well as martial.
Your Fa Jing body shake can be also dangerous for yourself.
It takes time to master
Fa Jing is a violent yang movement with some less or more yin aspects.
For example:
You may think circular (yin) while striking linear (yang),
or you may think linear while striking circular.
What matters is the effect of your strike.
Downward, backward, forward: these 3 vectors are necessary to generate an explosive Fa Jing.
°The chi is sunk down into the Dantien (downward)
°The rear leg is mentally pushed back (backward)
°The power is applied forward onto the palm (forward)
Fa Jing is an area of study in its own right.
Your body should be free and loose,
your mind should be empty and free from 'emotional shit'.
It takes time to master.
Tai Chi Chuan 'loose boxing': you should be in a meditative state.
Not only your fist should be loose
your entire body should be soft, loose, sensitive,
relaxed, free and open.
Open -close -open -close -open:
Keep in mind:
without a correct 'yin-yang in your hands and feet'
you cannot execute a (real) Fa Jing strike.
It takes time to master.
Your fist should be like an arrow and your body like a bow.
The real power comes from your 'arrow -bow' rather than from your arrow.
Your 'arrow -bow -fist', not your fist hits the target
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It takes years to master the physical as well as the mental aspects of Fa Jing.